Right Way
Our Medical Insurances are the most comprehensive

We know that good Health is the most important thing, that is why we offer:
Our Medical Insurance has all the advantages and benefits
With the best clinics
With over 1.000 Medical Centres at your disposal including eight of the ten best hospitals in the Country.
Reduce Waiting Times
Reduce waiting time by over 71 days on the waiting lists of Specialists.
Free Dental coverage
We include Dental Insurance when you take out any of our most complete medical insurance policies.
Worldwide Assistance
With our medical insurance, you can travel with peace of mind because you have Worldwide Emergency Medical Coverage and Travel Assistance.
Select the Medical Insurance that best adapts to your needs
Every person is different, every family is different, which is why we offer different types of medical insurance:
Medical Network
If you want to choose from the best selection of professionals in the medical sector. Access to over 40.000 medical professionals and 1.000 medical centres here in Spain.
If want you want is to use your own doctors without worrying if they are in the Insurance Company’s Medical Network or not.
Dental Insurance
Dental health is very important, which is why coverage is included free of charge and gives you access to the best professionals in the dental sector.
Details of the coverage at a glance
What does Right Way’s
Medical Insurance cover?
What does Insurer’s
Medical Network mean?
The Insurer’s Medical Network gives access to an extensive network of medical professionals, medical centres and hospitals of the highest quality.
- It adapts to each person or family’s distinct personal and economic needs.
- A complete Medical Insurance that includes General Medicine, Specialists, Diagnostic Tests, Hospital Care, Surgery, Physiotherapy, Emergency Services.
- You can choose to have no Co-payments or choose from three different levels of Co-payments.
- Cover is via the Insurers Medical Network in Spain with Emergency Medical Coverage elsewhere in the World.
How does Reimbursement
Cover work?
This Medical Insurance is for those that wish to freely choose their medical professional in both Spain and anywhere else in the World:
- Choose the medical professional that you want, even if they are not in the Insurer’s Network.
- If they are not in the Insurer’s Network, visit your doctor and send in the Invoice thereafter.
- Choose between five levels of cover: Mundi-Salud Complet, Plus, Classic, Elite or Top Health.
- Worldwide Coverage.
What is included with
the Dental Insurance?
It is always important to have a good dental insurance:
- A simple insurance without waiting periods.
- Freely choose the dental clinic from the Insurer’s Network of more than 2.000 dental professionals and clinics.
- There are more than 57 free treatments and the rest will be at discounted rates.
- This Dental Insurance is automatically included with our Medical Insurance Policies, so you would not need to purchase additional Dental Insurance when you have Medical Insurance with us.
Medical Insurance Comparison
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Your questions and queries
Your questions about Medical Insurance with Right Way Insurance
Why contract Private Medical Insurance?
There are many reasons for contracting Private Medical Insurance, but usually the most common reasons can be summarized as follows:
- Resident or Applying for Residency or Visa in Spain. As you will be aware, a requirement for the Residencia Application will be a Private Medical Insurance without any Co-payment, if you are not eligible for National Health Service here in Spain.
- Avoid Waiting Lists. Spanish National Health Service is, without doubt, one of the best in the world, but it has long waiting lists, longer than you would hope to wait for diagnostic tests, consultations with specialists such as traumatologists, endocrinos etc. and even for surgery.
- Being able to choose your Doctor. Very often, we may want a doctor that was recommended to you, or that we know is the best in their field. Medical Insurance is able to give you access to those professionals, either because they are within the Insurer’s Medical Network or because you have chosen to have Reimbursement Cover.
- Prestigious Clinics and Treatments. Many of the most prestigious doctors and with the most years of experience work within the Private Medical Sector. A way of getting access to them is via a Private Medical Insurance that works with those doctors and medical centres.
What is a Waiting Period in Medical Insurance?
The Waiting Period is a period of time that you have to wait from the effective date of the Policy until you can start to use some of the medical services. The Waiting Period can vary depending on the type of insurance that you have contracted. Some examples of medical services that have Waiting Periods are: hospital care, childbirth and surgical operations. Our Medical Insurance has some of the shortest waiting periods on the market at 6 months, 8 months and 6 months respectively.
How can I request a Medical Authorisation?
Once you have consulted with a specialist, it is possible that the Doctor will want to carry out a diagnostic test (x-rays, MRI Scans, blood tests etc.) and it may be that some of those tests will require previous authorisation by the Insurance Company. The Insurer has a dedicated multi-lingual telephone line from which you can request authorisation from the Insurer. In most cases, authorisation can be immediate, however, on some occasions, it might be necessary to send additional documentation, such as a Medical Report, to the Insurer in order to be obtain the authorisation. This would normally be the case for surgical operations.
We provide you with a couple of options if you have to request a Medical Authorisation:
- Call the Telephone Number 976 506 000.
- E-mail: autorizaciones@segurosdkv.es
Where can I consult the list of specialists?
Via your Customer Area, in English, you will have access to the Medical Network Guide from which you can select the doctor with whom you want to consult. You are not limited to just that doctor, if you wish to consult with another you are free to choose another from within the Network.
What is a pre-existing condition in Medical Insurance?
It is normal for a Medical Insurance Policy to have a Clause regarding pre-existing conditions. This Clause establishes that you must declare to the Insurance Company all illnesses diagnosed prior to taking out Medical Insurance. This is to ensure that Insured Persons do not act in bad faith, taking out a Medical Insurance, not as a prevention measure or for the purposes of general health care, but specifically so that the Insurance Company will cover the costs of an illness or condition that was previously diagnosed.
Not informing an Insurance Company of illnesses or conditions diagnosed before entering into contract, would be considered fraud by the Insurance Company.
What is the purpose of the Medical Card?
The purpose of the Medical Card is to identify yourself at the Medical Network Clinics or Specialists as a customer with our Medical Insurance coverage. Thanks to this Medical Card, you will have access to visits with the best specialists, diagnostic tests, and emergency services without having to make physical payment for these services as the Medical Network Clinic or Specialist will invoice directly to the Insurance Company.
The Medical Card will also include important telephone numbers that you might need including Customer Services; 24 Hour Assistance and even the Worldwide Travel Assistance Service.
What do I do if I lose my Medical Card?
Do not worry, we are here to assist you and find a solution. If you have lost your Medical Card, it has been stolen or even damaged; you just need to let us know and we will arrange for the Insurance Company to issue another Medical Card to you. If you already have appointments and need a Medical Card to identify yourself to a Medical Network Clinic or Specialist, again, do not worry, we will request a Temporary Card until your new one arrives.
What is a Co-payment?
With the Medical Network Insurance, you might choose a level of cover that has Co-payment charges for the use of the Medical Services. The Co-payment, like an Excess, is your contribution to the Medical Costs, usually a fixed amount depending on which service is used. Just like an Excess, the Co-payment is a means of keeping the Insurance Premium lower by selecting Medical Network coverage with Co-payments. If you need Medical Insurance for your Residencia you will need coverage without a Co-payment (sin Copagos), otherwise you are free to choose the level of coverage that best suits you financially.
The Co-payments will vary depending on the service that you are using, and depending on the level of Co-payment that you have selected when you contracted your Medical Insurance.
What Medical Insurance would you like?
Contact our Medical Insurance experts
Do you need help with Medical Insurance?
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Let us have your telephone number and we will contact you.
Give us a call
Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 5pm.
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